People Etymology
Here are a few words in the English language that have been named for people. This list consists of widely-used words which are obviously named after specific people. You'll be surprised to find words like, bloomer, maudlin, namby-pamby, tarmac and tawdry having their origins in men and women of yesteryears. Enjoy!!!
oh! and add on more if you know, in comments.
ALDRIN Kurt Alder (1902-1958), American chemist
ALGORITHM al-Khowarizmi (c800 - c850), Arab mathematician. This term, which means "rules for computing" in English, comes from al-Khowarizmi (Try saying it fast), an Arab mathematician living around A.D. 825 who completed the earliest known work in arithmetic using Arabic numerals. He was the first to establish rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with the new Arabic numerals.
AUGUST Augustus Caesar (63 B.C. - A. D. 14)
BAKELITE Leo Hendrik Baekeland (1863-1944), Belgian-born American chemist
BÉCHAMEL SAUCE Marquis Louis de Béchamel (d.1703), steward of Louis XIV of France
BEEF STROGANOFF Count Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganoff (1772-1817), Russian diplomat
BEGONIA Michel Bégon (1638-1710), French patron of botany
BLOODY MARY Mary I Tudor (1516-1558), English queen (probably)
BLOOMER Amanda Bloomer or Amelia Jenkins Bloomer (1818-1894), American feminist
BOUGAINVILLEA Louis Antoine de Bougainville (1729-1811), French explorer
BOYCOTT Charles C. Boycott (1832-1897), English land agent
BOYSENBERRY Rudolph Boysen, American botanist
BUHLWORK A. C. Boule (1642-1732), French cabinet maker
BUNKUM, BUNK Col. Edward Buncombe, Revolutionary War hero, This word actually comes from the name of Buncombe County, North Carolina; the county was named in honor of Col. Edward Buncombe, a Revolutionary War hero. The word originated after the congressman from that county defended an irrelevant speech in Congress by claiming that he was speaking to Buncombe.
BUNSEN BURNER Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-99), German chemist
CAESAREAN SECTION Gaius Julius Caesar, who according to legend was born in this manner
CAESAR SALAD Cesar Cardini, Tijuana, Mexico restaurateur
CAMELLIA George Josef Kamel (1661-1706), Moravian Jesuit missionary
CARDIGAN James Thomas Brudnell, 7th Earl of Cardigan (1797-1868), British cavalry officer
CASANOVA Giovanni Jacopo Casanova de Seingalt (1725-98), Italian adventurer
DAHLIA Anders Dahl (1751-1789), Swedish botanist
DECIBEL Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
DERBY Edward Stanley, 12th earl of Derby, founded the race, 1870
DIESEL Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913), German automotive designer
DOBERMAN PINSCHER Ludwig Dobermann, 19th century German dog breeder
DOILY Mr. Doyley, a 17th century London draper
DOLOMITE Deodat de Dolomieu (1750-1801), French geologist
DRACONIAN Draco, Athenian lawgiver, circa 650 B. C.
DUNCE John Duns Scotus (c. 1265-1308), Scottish theologian (who was actually very smart)
EGGS BENEDICT Commodore E. C. Benedict (1834-1920), American yachtsman and banker
EPICURE Epicurus (342?-270 B. C.), Greek philosopher
EUSTACHIAN TUBE Bartolommeo Eustachio (1524-1574), Italian anatomist
FALLOPIAN TUBE Gabriel Fallopius (1523-1562), Italian anatomist
FERRIS WHEEL George Washington Gale Ferris (1859-96), American engineer
FRANGIPANI Marquis Frangipani, 16th century Italian nobleman
FREESIA Friedrich Heinrich Theodor Freese (d. 1876), German physician
FRISBEE William Russell Frisbie, pie shop owner in Bridgeport CT
FUCHSIA Leonard Fuchs (1501-1566), German botanist
GALVANIZE Luigi Galvani (1739-1798), Italian physiologist
GARDENIA Alexander Garden (1730-91), Scottish-American botanist
GARIBALDI Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-82), Italian patriot and soldier
GREENGAGE Sir William Gage (1777-1864), English botanist
GROG Old Grog, nickname of Sir Edward Vernon (1684-1757), British admiral
GUILLOTINE Joseph Ignace Guillotin (1738-1814), French physician
GUPPY Robert J. L. Guppy (1836-1916), British scientist from Trinidad
GUY Guy Fawkes (1570-1606), British terrorist
HANSOM Joseph Aloysius Hansom (1803-82), English architect
HAVELOCK Sir Henry Havelock (1795-1857), British general in India
HOBSON’S CHOICE Thomas Hobson (1544-1631), English liveryman
JACQUARD Joseph Marie Jacquard, 18th cent. French inventor
JACUZZI Roy Jacuzzi and Candido Jacuzzi (1903-1986), American inventors
JEROBOAM Jeroboam, first king of the northern kingdom of Israel
JULY Gaius Julius Caesar (c. 101 - 44 B. C.)
KLIEG LIGHT John H. (1869-1959) and Anton T. Kleigl (1872-1927), American lighting experts
KNICKERBOCKERS Dietrich Knickerbocker, pseudonym of Washington Irving (1783-1859), American author
LEOTARD Jules Léotard (1839-70), French acrobat
LEVIS Levi Strauss (1830-1902), Bavarian immigrant to the USA and clothing merchant
LOBELIA Matthias de Lobel (1538-1616), Flemish botanist and physician
LOBSTER NEWBURG Ben Wenberg According to Dictionary of Words and Phrases by William and Mary Morris, the term is named for Ben Wenberg, a West Indies ship captain who came up with this dish by adding the ingredient cayenne to his famous recipe at Delmonico's Hotel. As the story goes, Mr. Wenberg had a falling out with the hotel owner, who, as revenge, reversed the first three letters of a dish which had previously been called Lobster Wenberg; hence, "Lobster Newberg."
LOGANBERRY Judge James H. Logan (1841-1928), horticulturist in California
LUDDITE Ned Ludd, 18th cent. Leicestershire workman who destroyed machinery (see note below)
LYNCH Capt. William Lynch (1742-1820), plantation owner in Virginia
MACADAMIA NUT John Macadam (1827-1865), Australian scientist
MACH Ernst Mach (1838-1916), Austrian physicist
MACKINTOSH Charles Macintosh (1766-1843), inventor of the waterproofing process
MAGNOLIA Pierre Magnol (1638-1715), French botanist
MANSARD François Mansart (1598-1666), French architect
MARIGOLD Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus
MASOCHISM Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895), Austrian novelist
MAUDLIN Mary Magdalene, Biblical figure
MAUSOLEUM Mausolus, 4th century B. C. king of Caria, Asia Minor
MAVERICK Samuel Augustus Maverick (1803-1870), Texas cattle owner
MELBA TOAST and PEACH MELBA Dame Nellie Melba (1861-1931), Australian soprano
MENNONITE Menno Simons (1492-1559), Dutch religious reformer
MESMERIZE Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), Austrian physician
MORSE CODE Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-1872), American artist and inventor
NAMBY-PAMBY Nickname of Ambrose Philips (1674-1749), English poet
NICOTINE Jean Nicot (c. 1530 - 1600), French ambassador to Portugal
OSCAR Oscar Pierce, American wheat and fruit grower and uncle of an Academy executive director
PAP SMEAR George Papanicolaou (1883-1962), American physician
PASTEURISE Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French chemist
PAVLOVA Anna Pavlova (1881-1931), Russian ballerina
PLATONIC Plato (c. 427-347 BC), Greek philosopher
POINSETTIA Joel Roberts Poinsett (1779-1851), U. S. minister to Mexico
PRALINE César de Choiseul, Count Plessis-Praslin (1598-1675), French soldier and diplomat
PULLMAN George Mortimer Pullman (1831-97), American inventor
PYRRHIC Pyrrus (c. 318 - 272 B. C.), king of Epirus, who overextended himself
QUISLING Maj. Vidkun Abraham Quisling (1887-1945), pro-Nazi Norwegian leader
RASTAFARIAN Ras Tafari, precoronation name of Haile Selassie (1892-1975), Emperor of Ethiopia
RICKETTSIA Howard T. Ricketts (1871-1910), American pathologist
RORSCHACH TEST Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922), Swiss psychiatrist
RITZY César Ritz (1850-1918), Swiss hotelier
SADISM Count Donatien Alphonse François de Sade (1740-1814), French soldier and novelist
SALISBURY STEAK James J. Salisbury, 19th century English physician
SALMONELLA Daniel Elmer Salmon (1850-1914), American veterinarian
SANDWICH John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-92), English diplomat
SAXOPHONE Antoine-Joseph Sax, also known as Adolphe Sax (1814-1894), Belgian inventor
SEQUOIA Sequoya (c. 1770-1843), Cherokee Indian who invented the Cherokee syllabary
SHRAPNEL Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842), British army officer
SIDEBURNS Gen. Ambrose Everett Burnside (1824-1881), Union soldier
SILHOUETTE Etienne de Silhouette (1709-1767), French minister of finance in 1759
SPOONERISM Rev. William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930), of New College, Oxford
SOUSAPHONE John Phillip Sousa (1854-1932), American composer and bandleader
STETSON John Bauerson Stetson (1830-1906), American hat-maker
TARMAC John Loudon McAdam (1756-1836), Scottish engineer (the word is short for "tarmacadam")
TAWDRY St. Audrey (St. Etheldreda, c. 630 - 679), queen of Northumbria
TEDDY BEAR Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), U. S. president
TETRAZZINI Luisa Tetrazzini (1874-1940), Italian opera singer
THESPIAN Thespis, 6th century B. C. Greek poet
TIMOTHY GRASS Timothy Hanson, 18th century American farmer (probably)
TOMMY GUN Gen. John Taliaferro Thompson (1860-1940), U. S. soldier
TONTINE Lorenzo Tonti (1620-1695), Neopolitan banker
TUPPERWARE Earl Silas Tupper (1907-1983), American landscaper and inventor
UZI Uziel Gal (1923-2002), Israeli inventor
VALENTINE Valentine, 3rd century Christian martyr
VERNIER Pierre Vernier (1580-1637), French mathematician
WELLINGTON BOOT Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852), British soldier and statesman
WISTERIA Caspar Wistar (1761-1818), American physician
ZEPPELIN Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin (1838-1917), German general and aeronautical pioneer
ZINNIA Johann Gottfried Zinn (1727-1759), German botanist
Dec 31, 2008 - Wise Words for the Day
" He drew a circle that shut me out
heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win,
we drew a circle that took him in."
--- Edwin Markham, Outwitted
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